Which Animals Eat Lizards? A Guide To Lizard Predators (2022 Updated)

Which Animals Eat Lizards? A Guide To Lizard Predators (2022 Updated)

Lizards are a wide-ranging, diverse group of reptiles, present on all continents except Antarctica. The largest lizard species are Monitor lizards which grow up to 3 metres long! And the smallest, geckos, can be as tiny as 2 cm. The tough scales of a lizard give it armour-like protection. These help lizards to retain water…

Which Animals Eat Frogs? A Guide To Frog Predators

Which Animals Eat Frogs? A Guide To Frog Predators

Frogs can be found in watery habitats all over the world, from tropical rainforests to temperate swampy zones to cold, boreal woodlands. They are regarded as a key species in the ecosystems they inhabit. As tadpoles and froglets they graze on algae, helping to prevent the freshwater system from becoming dominated by algae or suffering…

Do Wolf Spiders Climb Into Beds? A Guide To Wolf Spiders & Preventing Spider Bed Friends

Do Wolf Spiders Climb Into Beds? A Guide To Wolf Spiders & Preventing Spider Bed Friends

When you are afraid of something, the best way to tackle your fear is gain as much information as you can about the object of your fear – knowledge is power! Being afraid of spiders climbing into your bed can be a rational fear, especially when it comes to wolf spiders which can deliver a…

Everything You Need to Know about Bearded Dragon Colors

Everything You Need to Know about Bearded Dragon Colors

Pogona vitticeps or the bearded dragon is well-known for its broad, triangular head, flattened body, and clusters of spiny scales covering its body. “Beardies” are native to the deserts of Australia. The name bearded dragon refers to the underside of this reptile’s throat that can turn black and puff out for various different reasons. This…

Feeding Peanuts To Squirrels: Is It Safe?

Feeding Peanuts To Squirrels: Is It Safe?

Squirrels are a familiar site in backyards, parks, woodlands, pretty much anywhere with trees. These furry little creatures are skilful at climbing trees, soaring through the air to leap between branches, and scaling trees at high speed to evade ground-based threats. Many of us enjoy observing squirrels’ agility, and celebrate the sight of their bushy…

Which Animals Eat Foxes: Fox Predators And Competitors (2022 Updated)

Which Animals Eat Foxes: Fox Predators And Competitors (2022 Updated)

Foxes are crafty, specialised predators – in some areas of the world they are even the apex predator. These opportunistic omnivores are always on the lookout for an easy meal, both catching and killing their own prey and scavenging for carcasses and human garbage. These small but cunning canids are true survivors, equipped with brains,…

14 Types of Earthworms to Know About (2022 Updated)

14 Types of Earthworms to Know About (2022 Updated)

Earthworms are present in both poor and rich soils. However, earthworms are more often seen in rich soil where they can find more nutritional ingredients that encourage their growth and development. Different types of earthworms can be categorized based on their traits but also the different species that they belong to. Although all earthworms may…

Birds Chirping At Night: Reasons, Meanings, And 3 Examples

Birds Chirping At Night: Reasons, Meanings, And 3 Examples

It is pretty unusual to hear birds chirping in the middle of the night. All sorts of stories and beliefs have formed around this unusual yet beautiful night habit of some birds. In this article, we will discover the real reasons why some birds might be singing outside of their natural active period, the spiritual…

Can Ostriches Fly: How Did Ostriches Evolve But Remained Flightless?

Can Ostriches Fly: How Did Ostriches Evolve But Remained Flightless?

The flightless ostrich is an African native and is one of the largest birds in the world. So, if you are a person who is interested in animal curiosities, then you probably wondered why you’ve never seen an ostrich fly even though it has wings. From a scientific point of view, it is fascinating to…

What Eats Hawks: The Predator’s Predators (2022 Updated)

What Eats Hawks: The Predator’s Predators (2022 Updated)

Hawks are predatory birds on top of the food chain in most ecosystems they inhabit, which means they feed on a wide variety of prey, but very few animals prey on them. Despite their strong beaks, sharp claws, and excellent hunting abilities, there are moments in a hawk’s life when it’s weak and vulnerable, and…